Review: Giant 1/4-20" Knob

It's been a bit difficult to crank out videos during the holidays, but here's a simple one that may help you if you are a builder of bracket based rigs. In the past when I've built rigs like the Frugal Cage, Frugal Stabilizer II, and the Frugal Fattener, the weak link was always the cheap screw knobs that came with the brackets. They just don't work all that well.

These knobs are tiny and due to the large width of the bracket itself, are difficult to grip. The solution was to find a larger knob, and after poking around on eBay, I think I've found a good one. My video this week takes a look at these knobs and the satisfaction I've found using them. Sometimes the simplest solutions (get a bigger knob) are the best ones.
