Frugal Slate Download Problem Fixed!

For those of you that wanted to build my Dry Erase Clapper Slate for $8 project, you may have run into a snag in the past. Part of the project was to download some image files (of pre-made slates) that you could then laminate and attach to a small, cheap wood slate found on Amazon or eBay. Problem was I was using the now-defunct (and frequently flaky) Fileden to host the files.

After another reminder from watcher Jonathan Lawrence that the downloads are not working, I've relocated them into my cloud storage over at Copy. This service should be a lot more reliable and instantly give those interested in this project my slate as well as the original "Cheap Slate" (for full sized slates) that inspired me. This link fix has also been applied to the original blog post and YouTube video, so hopefully this recurring error is a thing of the past.



The link no longer works! Help!