Mini Camera Stabilizer
If you have a smaller camera, however, this rig is overkill. Smaller cams have no optical stabilization (and digital stabilizers corrupt the picture), so a rig like this is a must. In this episode I discuss a smaller alternative to the PVC beast, one that gives you almost all the same benefits of the larger model, without the bulk.
This episode is also a good example of valuable viewer input. When James DeRuvo sent me that picture showing off the Wii controller holder he found and his basic idea, it was a fantastic inception for me. Please keep the great ideas coming and this show will last forever (or as long as I do)!
Alternate Wii Wheel
Mini ball head
Cell phone holder + tripod mount
Do you know if this will work with the GO PRO HERO camera? (I'm looking at getting it so I have a dust-proof device for Burning Man)
my next vid will be shot with your build. Thanks again!!
I have an idea of how I'd want to test this, now. Thanks, Scott!