Budget Light Kit
I usually light my kitchen table with the two 500w halogen work lights, featured at the bottom of my box here. A friend lent me some lights and I ended up using a Lowel Omni and Lowel Tota, both bounced off of my ceiling, just like my frugal setup. Interestingly, the prosumer Lowels ran hotter than my modified work lights. I'm not sure of the exact temperature, but I could literally feel the difference. I think I'll do a temperature test while I still have the Lowel kit.
I also must give credit to those who inspired me for my own kit over the past year. Check out Walter Graff's "Building a Compact Lighting Kit" and Scott Spears' "Low Budget Lighting". Both of these articles are excellent and pointed me in the direction that I am currently following.
I've come to the conclusion that it isn't so much the light but your ability to shape and control it that contents the most. Do you have any tips for DIY barn doors, softboxes,snoots, etc?
Several people have requested work light barn doors, but I abandoned the project when I found my preference was to bounce that specific light source rather than try to shape it.
I've never tried a snoot, but I think the best DIY "softbox" is a big, round paper lantern (IKEA, $6).
Gaff's kit in today's pricing (new): $6,750
(he didn't mention the speed ring seen in photo + there was some grip items I couldn't identify / link with list)
One question, though: I noticed the wattage of your bulbs is rather low (aside from the halogen spotlights); have you been able to successfully light sets aside from your Frugal Filmmaker set with practicals? In my experience, low wattage bulbs don't provide enough light output.
Also, I read somewhere long ago that the size of a clamp light's hood is the deciding factor to how strong a light to use (and how strong a light can be used). Do you find that true?
Penny Lane 3 hours ago
Amazing tips!
I have a $350 - $500 budget for lighting. Would you suggest a 3 light kit with soft boxes for interviewing purposes? I have been shopping at B & H and came across an Impact Soft and Natural 4 Socket 3 Light Kit. Would you recommend the purchase for interview lighting? Any help is much appreciated!!