Thank you for posting your DIY and cheap filmmaking technique videos, they have been very helpful to me. I saw your stabilizer rig and decided to make my own with a few modifications.
I used an eye bolt on my mounting T so that I would not need to have a screwdriver to mount my camera. I added handles on my rig and found some tricycle grips for $3.99 to cover them. Initially I had glued these in and later regretted it when I wanted to make a table top conversion. However, I found that I was able to take a hair dryer and heat up the joint and after applying some tension with a pair of channel locks I was able to get them out and salvage the handles.
Now that they are removable I am able to insert my table dolly wheels. I made these using roller blade wheels from Goodwill, some hardware, and some scrap PVC. I used a BBQ (do at your own risk) and heated up the PVC until it was pliable and used two 2X4s to flatten one end. Then I drilled a hole through the flat end for the axle of the wheels.
I also made the leg in the back removable so I could mount different accessories to it including a shoulder mount, steadicam weight (still need to build), and a wheel for the table dolly. The shoulder mount was intentionality made not square so that it was shaped to fit my shoulder.
Total for rig+shoulder mount = $ 20.80 (not including tripod or monitor) Total for Dolly wheel inserts = $10.15 (the roller blades were $6.99 at Goodwill)