Clamp Lighting

If you need a very affordable light source, you can't go wrong with a clamp light. They don't cost much (about $6.50) and can use any light you can jam into a standard socket. They mount onto any narrow surface (shelf, chair), but if you need a more versatile place to clamp onto, check out last episode's PVC Light Stand.

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I love these podcasts and love what you're doing with this site. I've been a fan since the old film flap days and as much as I liked it back then, you are really knocking it out of the park with all this new content.
Scott Eggleston said…
Thanks for the kind words. I really appreciate the support. As you know, filmmaking is hard work! Rewarding, but a challenge. Especially on a consistent basis.
frank anore said…
I want to say a big thank you for the great job. U've now disabused my mind from the notion that it must be damn modelled after Hollywood for it to be successful.
it used to be if you don't have Hollywood-type funding you may die with your aspiration.

But watching you do your thing has given real impetus to my filmmaking vision. THANK YOU!
Anonymous said…
Do you know a place where they sell it OUTSIDE the USA?

I'm from Belgium you know...
Jeff said…
great man!!! am trying really hard to get 600w incandescent bulbs to go with these, any ideas?
Jeff said…
Thanks alot this are just unbeatable!!! quick qstn; am trying hard 2 get 600w bulbs to go with these but cant seem 2 find any, any ideas?
Scott Eggleston said…

You can get 500w photoflood bulbs from a photography store that will work in these. Expect a lot of light, but not long bulb life.
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much for these videos!. Ive been reluctantly considering spending around $400 to set up lighting for my web videos. With your tips I think I can set up COMPLETELY for less than $100!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Lex said…
Great video! - I am definitely going to be buying some of these clamp lights to get started on my setup. Can you tell me what brand and size you bought (8.5" or 10.5") and what hardware store sells these? It seems there are a variety of different types online and some are just pure junk and I don't want to get stuck with the bad ones. Thanks!