The Brave One

Jodie’s Got a Gun
Jodie Foster has got to be one of the most careful of actresses. Her movies tend to be several years apart, and they feature interesting premises, with a strong leading role for her. The problem is that, aside from her, they tend to be pretty average, as evidenced by Panic Room (2002), and Flightplan (2005). Inside Man (2006) was her best movie of late, but she only had a bit part in that one. Now comes The Brave One, a Death Wish (1974) remake that almost works, but shortchanges the viewer with a uncharacteristic subplot and unbelievable ending. A near miss.

The center of this film is, of course, Jodie Foster, and she is always good. Her Erica is a woman who gets knocked down from an idealistic pedestal and has to force herself to even walk outside. She is shattered by her experience, and illegally buys a gun because she feels she won’t survive past the thirty day wait for a legal one. I really liked the scene where she tries to read her copy on the air, freezes, then embarks on a tangent of new awareness. She sells it, and we buy.

Two glaring problems really derail The Brave One. One is a subplot that concerns a criminal that Mercer has been trying to arrest for three years. It takes too much time away from Erica, then leads her to do something completely out of character. It’s a waste of film and should have been cut. The second is the baffling way Mercer acts at the end, almost causing me to yell “What!?” at the screen. It makes no sense, would have my cop brother-in-laws enraged, and just doesn’t fit what has gone before.
