Blog Salad Friday: August 24, 2007
Time to push aside the single for a dose of the many. There is always lots of stuff to pore over, much of which I can't seem to put into a feature article. Even if I can, here's a look at what was out there this week that I didn't get to write about. Ground pepper, sir?
Finding a Composer for Your Film
Here's an interesting idea. Ifusician invites filmmakers to upload clips from the movie they want to score. Musicians can then match tracks they've created to your visuals, and you can select the one that works best. You can then contact the composer to further develop the relationship. This could be the start of something really great, bringing together two groups that really need each other. It may not pan out for you, but couldn't hurt to try either. The site seems in its infancy, but I can see this getting really huge.
A New Web Serial: Afterworld
Here's another twist on the web serial that is becoming more and more pervasive. This time it's a combination of animation and graphic novel sci-fi story called Afterworld, which follows a man after technology stops working and the entire planet seems to have vanished. There are 130 episodes that clock in at an ADHD length of 1.5 minutes--perfect for the iPod crowd. I watched a couple and they are pretty good (sort of reminded me of the french film, La Jettee). I'll be writing more about Afterworld next week.
Podcast Roundup
"This Conference is Being Recorded" - Lance Weiler interviews two festival programmers, Doug Jones and Matt Dentler. If you are trying to get into a fest, or just want to know how these things work, this is an invaluable listen. Lance asks some very good questions (as usual), especially about myths surrounding festivals and what filmmakers should know about what they aren't.
"Your Video Store Shelf" - Gregory Conley interviews Fangoria managing editor Michael Gingold. The two chat about the state of horror films (which Fangoria exclusively covers), what's out now and what's coming out of interest. I really liked his comments about The Invasion, which I had to review recently.
Subliminal Movie Marketing
Film Threat has a clip from "police evidence" (scroll to the bottom of the page), that inserts a frame that alludes to what looks like a movie sequel. I'm not going to give away what I think it is, but this is another way to get the word out about your upcoming movie, without actually saying what you are doing. If the clip goes viral, people will figure it out and you will have that many more eyes clamoring to see your film. I had a similar idea for my yet-to-be-written thriller (minus the sublimea), but someone beat me to it of course. Sigh.
See you next week.
Finding a Composer for Your Film
Here's an interesting idea. Ifusician invites filmmakers to upload clips from the movie they want to score. Musicians can then match tracks they've created to your visuals, and you can select the one that works best. You can then contact the composer to further develop the relationship. This could be the start of something really great, bringing together two groups that really need each other. It may not pan out for you, but couldn't hurt to try either. The site seems in its infancy, but I can see this getting really huge.
A New Web Serial: Afterworld

Podcast Roundup
"This Conference is Being Recorded" - Lance Weiler interviews two festival programmers, Doug Jones and Matt Dentler. If you are trying to get into a fest, or just want to know how these things work, this is an invaluable listen. Lance asks some very good questions (as usual), especially about myths surrounding festivals and what filmmakers should know about what they aren't.
"Your Video Store Shelf" - Gregory Conley interviews Fangoria managing editor Michael Gingold. The two chat about the state of horror films (which Fangoria exclusively covers), what's out now and what's coming out of interest. I really liked his comments about The Invasion, which I had to review recently.
Subliminal Movie Marketing

See you next week.