More Canon HV20 Goodness

The guys at FreshDV recently interviewed filmmaker Bruce Allen on their podcast. Bruce has had some good experience with the HV20, likes it, and has lots of interesting things to say about getting the best image possible from it (among other things). He also talks about using 35mm lens/depth of field adapters for the HV20, a topic that is very, very interesting. These include Redrock Micro's M2, the SGPro, and Cinevate's Brevis35 (check out the HV20 sample footage!). If you want to build one, try this link.

For some more random sources of information on the HV20, check out the DVXuser forum here. Also see this video tutorial for some great tips on getting the best image. If you didn't read it last time, go look at Barry Green's article on setting exposure.
More and more filmmakers are hopping on the HV20. I realize it may be obsolete in a year or so, but if you need a good camera right now, and don't have a lot to spend, this seems to be the best choice. Enjoy all the link love!