Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow

The World of Tomorrow, Today!
“A special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing.”--George Lucas
The above statement describes why the latest Star Wars Trilogy has been so boring, while a movie like Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow can really shine. When I first heard about Kerry Conran’s film that was almost entirely computer-generated (except for the actors and some props), I was not very excited. CGI-filled Star Wars Episodes I and II have been a letdown, so why should this be any better? More CGI means less entertainment value, right? Okay, I know that’s not really fair, and besides, I’m one of few that really liked the Final Fantasy movie.

Visually, this film looks amazing, as in Amazing Wonder Stories. If you have ever seen one of these old pulp sci-fi publications, you get where Sky Captain gets its inspiration. On top of killer robots, there are flapping aircraft, a cloaked assassin, and a megalomaniac in an impenetrable fortress trying to destroy the earth. Amidst all this spectacular imagery, however, I found it funny that my most memorable image was Paltrow tearing her skirt so she could run faster!

Despite what it must have been like for the actors, they fulfill their archetypical roles well, while chewing on the virtual scenery. Paltrow and Law (as well as Jolie and Ribisi) seem to be having a great time, and Conran’s script even gives them witty banter--and a great closing line.
Sky Captain definitely has some things in common with Raiders of the Lost Ark, but the look reminded me of Lars Von Trier's Zentropa, which was set in a similar time period, used a lot of the German language, and shot much of the action in front of reverse projection. While the former is pure audience entertainment, and the latter an art film, this movie feels more like an art-house flick than popcorn movie. I liked that.

So, if your in the mood for something fun and out of the ordinary, check out Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Just hurry, because it’s going to be on DVD rather quick--which won't be a bad thing (two discs, anyone?).