Curt Hendley is a Frugal Filmmaker

Show watcher Curt Hendley recently alerted me to this picture he sent out over Twitter. It features several things he learned from watching The Frugal Filmmaker. If you squint your eyes you can spot some PVC light stands, homemade dimmers, and clamp lights. He is shooting with the petite Sanyo Xacti CG10, a great little HD camcorder (with manual features!) that will only set you back $124 on Amazon.

My favorite idea of Curt's is his own. He's using a Mangadoodle for a production slate (it's next to the chair on the floor). Ingenious!

If you have a shot of anything you have created from an idea found here, please send it to me and I'll post it. I'd love to see what has worked for you. Even if it doesn't work, send it in so we can all learn from real-world testing by someone else besides me.
