Frugal Filmmaker Makes Chris Winter's Top 10
Here's something I'd like to do more often. In the past The Frugal Filmmaker has been mentioned on a website or two, which I always seem to find out about. What I fail to do (and would like to remedy starting now), is to give those who are gracious enough to mention my blog or YouTube channel some link love in return. I'm always very grateful whenever anyone thinks what I am doing is worth something, and even more grateful when they go public.
The most recent example is YouTuber Chris Winter, who included me on his Top 10 Best DSLR & Cinematography Channels video. He gives me some nice credit for filmmaking on a shoestring as well as getting the basics right. I'm glad I got a mention even if I only came in ninth place (I'll have to work on that)!
You can also do yourself a favor by checking out the other nine mentions, who are all very worthy (and you can probably guess most of them), but make sure you check the videos on Chris' channel. He seems more into photography than filmmaking, but he has lots of good reviews and tips, his videos are produced well, and he's a very charismatic, honest sounding host with lots of valuable things to say.
Thanks Chris!