Please Stand By...

That's not to say I haven't been lurking. There is always lots going on, and I hope to be back in full swing within a few days. When I started this blog a year ago, my goal was to post five days a week, which I did for quite awhile. I've trimmed that back to about to or three times, which helps me to only post quality content and eliminate filler. I hope that this blog has been useful to you in the past and will continue to be into the future.
Comments have been a bit sparse, so I'd really like to open them up for input. What can you suggest to make Film Flap better? What do you like? What do you dislike? What would you add if you were me? Have you checked out the T-shirts? I'd really appreciate any help you can offer, as this blog should be just as much for you, the reader, as it is for me, the writer. The goal is still the same: make good movies for a song, and make good money doing it.
Please speak your mind!