While I don't currently have a movie that I'm promoting (dangit!), there is a blog here that could benefit from a little merchandising. Why? Well, a little real-world advertising is always good, and I like the idea of creating filmmaker-oriented stuff that I would like to see. It helps the blog, kicks a couple of bucks in my direction, and hopefully makes people laugh.
I've wanted to do this for awhile, but mostly connected it with movie promotion, so I resisted. Now, with various internet sites that do all the heavy lifting, all you have to do is register, create a store, upload artwork, and presto! You've got product! It's very simple, and you control the markup. I went with
Printfection (
Cafepress was a letdown), and have had a good experience so far.

The first t-shirt is now available, which should make anyone familiar with screenplay format giggle. It starts at $16.99 (depending on color), but I am only getting $2 of that. I didn't want some ridiculous markup that would prevent everyone from buying one, but also wanted a small profit (and web addy on the back) that could help the blog and potentially fund future projects. I prefer this method over a donation widget, since you get something out of it as well as I.
Chances are I won't do a whole lot of business, but it's good practice for the movie promotion thing, and is very painless--plus, you get a shirt no one else has! Look for a new tee every week (check the sidebar), and convince your celebrity friends to wear one on TV. C'mon, I'd do it for you...
Tell me what you think--comment below!