Digital 3D is Pretty Cool

When I bought my ticket, the first thing I noticed was the extra two bucks you have to shell out for the polarized glasses. This was good news in that the glasses are of high quality (opposed to the cheap red/green paper crap) and work well. The specs are oversized, which allows those who already wear glasses (me) to watch comfortably. The Ray-Ban Wayfarer inspired design doesn't hurt either.

After too many commercials, the cue finally came on the screen to put the glasses on for some 3D trailers. Wow. The effect was impressive and ads ran for a Brendan Fraser live action adventure (Journey to the Center of the Earth) and a concert film (U2 3D). It looks like this process may be around for awhile, with mainstream fare such as this and big directors like Steven Spielberg and James Cameron getting involved.
As for the effect in a feature length film, it was amazing. Spears protruded from the screen, vistas had real depth, and characters existed on their own planes (not to mention more effective "boo!" moments). A real sense of scope was created, and the effect integrates seamlessly into the story, instead of feeling like just a gimmick. I think it helped that this was a fantasy, as the 3D helped the already fantastic imagery to feel that much more otherworldly. It does demand more from your brain, but doesn't give you a headache the way the old glasses did. Another perk was that Beowulf was actually a good movie to boot.
