Podcasting is the Key to Getting the Word Out

"No TV channel has that. No major studio has that. No radio DJ has that. When we make a new video or have a new trailer or post a new short episode or have a video invitation, our subscribers get it. They want to know what we're up to and see whatever we make and put up there. It's the single most powerful thing we've done online."
This quote comes from a Variety article written by our collective friend, Anne Thompson, who seems to like writing about new technology and inventive ways the low budget filmmaker can distribute their work. The article (discovered through CinemaTech, of course) focuses on the power of theatrical distro and good reviews, but I think Crumley's quote says more about what can be done with social networking sites, and the power of fans getting your stuff immediately, without having to search for it.

On YouTube, anyone can become a subscriber to your videos, and will be alerted as soon as you upload something. On iTunes, the same can be done with a podcast. Lance Weiler, embarked on his "embed and spread" campaign for his last film, Head Trauma. This involved releasing code that others could embed in their sites and blogs. Whenever Weiler would update the file (like for HTRadio, a podcast), it would automatically change all over the web where the code was installed.

If I had the time, I would definitely go the podcasting route for Film Flap. It would tap into another audience who has no idea this blog exists, and give me good practice for the video version I'd undertake when I start working on my feature. It's just one more tool in our electronic quiver that we can use to spread the good word about what we are doing to those who may be interested, but don't know where to look.
