Take the Lead

More of a Follower
Pierre Dulaine did something truly remarkable. He introduced a ballroom dancing program to hundreds of New York City elementary school children, changing their lives for the better. This program has been chronicled in the acclaimed documentary, Mad Hot Ballroom. Now we get the fictionalized version of this story, Take the Lead, which is “inspired by true events.” Unfortunately, instead of using the actual story as the bulk of the film, we also get a heavy mixture of hip-hop, Dangerous Minds, and Romeo & Juliet. It’s as if writer Dianne Houston felt the source material wasn’t enough for a feature film, which is where the movie stumbles.

Take the Lead feels derivative in just about every way. We have the tough but wise instructor, delinquents who just need a little guidance, star-crossed lovers (the names Rock and Lahrette aren’t very subtle), one adult who completely opposes the teacher (along with the obligatory school board showdown), and the “big game” at the end. We’ve been to these places before, and while it’s not bad, it’s not very original either.

Another standout is Banderas as Dulaine. He is charming, smart, talented, and tenacious--all which play to Banderas’ strengths. A part like this is new for him, and I liked his portrayal. It is also a wise choice, expanding his pallete as an actor. Everyone else is fine (and Woodard is always fun to watch), but really don’t get much of an opportunity to shine. There is too much going on in Take the Lead, which dilutes the more interesting Banderas stuff.
