
Keeps You in Your Seat--but Why?
I am a huge fan of the original Twilight Zone, Rod Serling’s ground breaking sci-fi anthology series that changed the face of television forever, and gave new meaning to the term ‘twist ending’. Many film makers have used this formula since then, most notably M. Night Shayamalan (The Sixth Sense, The Village) who has made a career out of it. Stay is another entry in the genre, a twisty-turny tale that toys with our perception of reality, but seems to raise more questions than answers.

Stay is a freako-head trip from frame one. Director Marc Forster (Monster’s Ball, Finding Neverland) peppers his movie with extreme angles, harsh lighting, freaky camera moves and otherworldly transitions. He wants to keep you off balance, and he succeeds. The editing is also frequently abrupt, and consistently breaks cinematic rules of continuity. This movie is not scary, per se, but there is a consistent feeling that something bad is about to happen (or is happening?). It’s a very effective technique, and keeps with the movie’s weird spell it puts you under.

All the actors here are suitably intense, with the ubiquitous McGregor again perfectly fitting into his everyman role. We identify with him, and care what happens to him. We want him to help the poor Gosling, who effectively looks and acts like death warmed over. Naomi Watts is also good as the concerned girlfriend who has had her own experiences with near death. I also like the scene with the almost unrecognizable Janeane Garofalo--she totally creeped me out. I’m impressed Forster could assemble such an A-list cast for this unconventional, dark material (backed by a major studio, no less).
